Monday, July 10, 2006

Can you believe that this was a pile of T-shirts 24 hours ago? My mom cleaned out her closet this weekend and this Mason-Dixon style rag rug was born. I'm using size 35 needles given to me by the lovely and talented Jen. The yarn is made by cutting the shirts into loops and then slip knotting the loops into a giant length of yarn. It should be the perfect spot for Big C's little feet to land when I scoop him out of the bath tub.

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1 Comments are "sew" fun!:

jenknits said...

That will be perfect for a bathrug. I'm so glad you found a use for those needles. They were an impulsive addition to your gift that I went back and forth on but knowing how young moms need quick to finish things I hoped they'd serve you well. Needless to say, I am pleased.