Thursday, November 08, 2007

Mr. Greenjeans could possibly be my perfect sweater. Not only is it knit from the top down. (No seams!) It also has adorable little cables and fits me perfectly so far. I'm using Caron Simply Soft Shadows which is turning out to be a fantastic acrylic. It has a nice soft hand without any pilling. And unlike what happens with wool sweaters, I don't feel like I'm smothering when I try it on. I'm hoping to have it finished by Thanksgiving. It's so very festive!

C is also getting in the holiday spirit. I caught him rummaging around in a hall closet a few days ago. "I want to play with Jesus mommy!" Lo and behold he had found my nativity scene and was bent on playing with it. Luckily I had our kid's nativity and we set up this sweet little scene. Only one angel was harmed. Some glue should stick her head right back on.
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Monday, November 05, 2007

Baby Lane is here!

Lane made his appearance on Halloween night. He was a month early, but weighed in at 6 pounds 6 ounces. (We don't mess around with tiny babies in this family.) His lungs are still developing so he will be staying in the hospital for a week or so. Say a prayer for our new little guy and his mom and dad. It's not easy to have a sick baby. Say an extra prayer for the new grandparents and great auntie (my mom). They are going out of their minds wanting to hug and kiss Lane, but those mean (wonderful) NICU nurses keep saying no.
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This is what we were doing while Holli was busy with her Halloween surprise. C was the most adorable engineer ever to jump in a moon bounce. We didn't do too much Trick or Treating, but he managed to score plenty of candy from the grandparents.